
Monday, November 21, 2011

Order from Shaheeda

Shaheeda, my ex-classmate during high school, has ordered 10 choc bars & a box of 25-piece pralines with mixed fillings. Thanks a lot Shaheeda! 

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Order for engagement gift

An order from my friend in UIA, Rohaiza who asked me to come up with an engagement gift for her cousin. It's a 35-piece pralines with some are foil wrapped.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Choc bars for wedding doorgift

50 pieces of choc bar for wedding doorgift, using standard wrapper. This order comes from Saiful Azri of Brickfields. Thanks Saiful... hope you'll like the outcome & do enjoy the free sample that comes with it.

A wedding gift

Order received from Kak Hatijah of Tmn Perindustrian UEP, Subang Jaya. A wedding gift for her colleague, with the color theme of cream & maroon.

Birthday gift order

A birthday gift order from Anuar Asmawi, 25-piece pralines with nut fillings. A sweet birthday gift for his beloved father.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Order for Hari Raya Haji celebration

An order from my own brother for Hari Raya Haji celebration. Thanks bro... He requested 100-piece pralines with assorted designs and fillings.

An urgent order from Suhana

I received a text message at almost 12 midnite asking readily available chocolates to be delivered early the next morning. Luckily I have some pralines available for Hari Raya Haji's orders. Suhana, a lecturer in Subang Jaya asked me to prepare 2 boxes of 35-piece pralines to be given as souvenirs in conjunction with her college activity.